Apply to be a Certified Prevention Professional (CPP):
Application Process
All applications for certification are now available in electronic format. No hard copy applications are accepted. Online applications are now processed in the following format:
Initial CPP Application Process Steps
Submit a completed Intent to Apply for Initial Certification Form.
Upon receipt of the Intent form, a personal folder will be created on the Board's secure Google Drive. An access link to the folder will be emailed to applicant.
Upload all of the required documents into the personal folder.
Notify us that your completed application has been uploaded and is ready for the review process.
Applications may be submitted at any time. The review process generally takes 2 to 3 months. Accepted applications need to be approved by the Prevention Specialist Certification Board of Washington (PSCBW) at a full Board meeting.
Once the CPP application is approved, the PSCBW Testing Chair assists the applicant with pre-registering with the IC&RC to take the Prevention Specialist Certification Examination. The applicant then registers for the computer-based exam with the approved testing company. The exam is taken in-person at an approved testing site that provides an on-site proctor.
Upon passing the examination, the applicant is now a Certified Prevention Professional. The PSCBW will meet to discuss the candidate's application and testing outcome then will award the Certified Prevention Professional credential within five (5) business days of passing the exam. The applicant's application and exam results with be reviewed at the next full PSCBW directors' meeting and will then be added to the Active CPP database.
CPP Exam: Test Prep
For test prep-related questions about the written Prevention Specialist Certification Exam, please refer to this webpage:
There are sections for study books, candidate guides and practice exams. There is a comprehensive study guide developed by Rhode Island available for free download.
While these exam preparation materials cannot guarantee success in passing this exam, it can provide needed resources to assist you in your preparation.
For more information about test prep and other resources, please contact:
Sarah Meyers, PSCBW Testing Chair
Please refer to the current CPP Application Requirements below and follow the instructions in preparing the application for submission to the PSCBW:
PSCBW Initial CPP Certification Application Requirements
Please read and follow the directions carefully. The Initial CPP Application is provided as a pdf document. To access a PDF file, you will need Adobe Reader then should save the document to your computer. If you need to download the free Adobe Reader, go to
Certification fees are paid online using a credit or debit card. No other forms of payment are accepted.
Click on this Pay Fees Online link (a processing fee may apply).
The CPP application requirements and forms have been revised. The number of education hours required for the CPP have been revised. Category CEHs requirements have been revised, and expiration dates for accepted education have been established. Details are provided in the Initial CPP Application form.
On pages 15-16 in the Initial CPP Application Requirements there are several references listed in the Bibliography of Selected Resources. They are marked with ***. Applicant can download these documents in pdf format.
Academy for Educational Development. (2005). Facilitating Meetings: A Guide for Community Planning Groups.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (2009). Identifying and Selecting Evidence-Based Interventions Revised Guidance Document for the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Program. HHS Pub. No. (SMA) 09-4205. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
National Institute of Drug Abuse. (2008). Drugs, Brains, and Behavior-The Science of Addiction.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2005). Focus on Prevention.
White, W. L., & Popovits, R. M. (2001). Critical Incidents: Ethical Issues in the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction.
Potential applicants requested a listing of previously approved trainings/classes/courses that have been accepted. Please see the following guidelines:
PSCBW Current Eligible Educational Coursework Database 1.14.2024 (PDF)

Exam Accommodations
If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and would like special accommodations to take the Prevention Specialist Exam, please complete and return the attached:
Special Exam Accommodations Request Form (PDF)
It must be returned to the PSCBW Testing Chair at least 60 days in advance of the scheduled exam date.